Follow the below steps to implement the SSO to CRM WebUI via, SAPGUI for Windows.
1) Implement Note: 1467488
With this note the ABAP report BSP_WD_APPL_STARTER gets an additional checkbox which enables the single sign-on mechanism. The SAP GUI user credentials will be used for the WebClient UI session as well.
This note has got the following manual steps to be performed.
TCode: SE38
Goto -> Text Elements -> Text Symbols
Create the text symbol 009.
Short Text: Single sign-on
Activate your change.
TCode: SE91
Display the message of message class BSP_WD.
Create the message 027.
Short text in EN: The service '&1' is inactive. Use transaction SICF for activation
Save the message.
Once the above manual steps are performed, implement the SAP Note via, SNOTE.
2) Create a new variant ZSAP_CRMUI for the report BSP_WD_APPL_STARTER with the below settings,
BSP Application: CRM_UI_START
In Client: <xxx>
New Browser Window: <Check Mark>
Single sign-on: <Check Mark>
3) Goto tcode SE93 to make the changes shown as below to CRM_UI transaction.
In the default Values section,
Name of Screen Field: D_SREPOVARI-VARIANT
4) Make sure the below parameters are in place,
login/create_sso2_ticket = 2
login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1
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