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I'm an experienced SAP NetWeaver Administrator with 4 Full Life-Cycle Project Experience. My expertise are right from installation, configuration and post-golive support. I've produced number of deliverables at various stages of the projects. I wanted to start off this blog to help my fellow SAP Basis people to get around with those small nagging issues which i've faced during my projects. I hope you would all enjoy and learn something through this blog.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

SSO to CRM WebUI with user credentials of SAP GUI

Follow the below steps to implement the SSO to CRM WebUI via, SAPGUI for Windows.

1) Implement Note: 1467488

With this note the ABAP report BSP_WD_APPL_STARTER gets an additional checkbox which enables the single sign-on mechanism. The SAP GUI user credentials will be used for the WebClient UI session as well.

This note has got the following manual steps to be performed.
TCode: SE38
Goto -> Text Elements -> Text Symbols
Create the text symbol 009.
Short Text: Single sign-on
Activate your change.

TCode: SE91
Display the message of message class BSP_WD.
Create the message 027.
Short text in EN: The service '&1' is inactive. Use transaction SICF for activation
Save the message.

Once the above manual steps are performed, implement the SAP Note via, SNOTE.

2) Create a new variant ZSAP_CRMUI for the report BSP_WD_APPL_STARTER with the below settings,

BSP Application: CRM_UI_START
In Client: <xxx>
New Browser Window: <Check Mark>
Single sign-on: <Check Mark>

3) Goto tcode SE93 to make the changes shown as below to CRM_UI transaction.

In the default Values section,
Name of Screen Field: D_SREPOVARI-VARIANT

4) Make sure the below parameters are in place,

login/create_sso2_ticket = 2
login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1

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